Today, Anton spends most of his time in Rauma. He coordinates all the electrical and automation drawings and installations together with the yard and the classification society. When asking him about what is special with our new ferry from his perspective, he says: “Aurora Botnia is a hybrid vessel, where we can optimize the use of engines and batteries. This vessel is very environmentally friendly. We use both DF (Dual Fuel) engines and batteries”. “It is also quite new to have electric pods (podded thrusters) on a passenger ferry, which further saves energy and the environment”, he continues.
The new vessel is full of Electrical and Automation. From the bridge to the lighting and cables. It is everywhere. So, it is a lot to be coordinated and handled.
In his spare time, on top of studying, Anton likes veteran cars, boats and tractors. “This is kind of a contrast to my daily work when I fix them and work with my hands”, Anton says. “I also like going sailing”. When time permits and he want to get some peaceful feeling, he plays the guitar.